Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Observe others more

People are all different and probably I am very very different from others. To be able to manage people, one needs to be able to not only comprehend issues based on one's own feelings and experiences, but also design systems which others can use and benefit from. Therefore, there is a strong need to be aware of how others do things and react to situations.

Be less self centered and learn about others. That will great help to serve them better, which in turn will benefit myself.

Detach 'me' and 'concept'

It gets too personal, when I feel I am being judged no matter whether there is really any judgment imposed on me. This impedes learning and upsets those whose intention is to help. I need to catch myself the moment I get strangled in explaining why I am the way I am, what's wrong with me, etc. Instead, take the new concept as a concept by itself. Understand it, absorb it. Then see where I am against it and how I can embrace the new learning.

Engaging others

In the real world, nothing can be done by sitting alone and cracking my head. It is the constant interaction with others (clients, bosses, partners) that helps to pin down a problem, clarify expectations.

Ask questions to understand what they want before embarking on a task.
Pause whenever there is an idea, an outline, a 'draft' to check if this is what they want.
Walk through the process together with them so it's easier for them to accept your recommendations.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Tough times don't last, tough people do

Almost for the first time of my life, I felt a kind of worry and concern that stretches, extends like a invisible but powerful net. It created such a massive gloomy mood. Things are going bad at the least expected places, affecting everyone. No one know how long it will last and no one has a clear vision how we can get out of it.

We don't have the option to quit or escape. I came across a very old book - Tough times don't last, tough people do. It is a comforting thought and an ordinary belief that made extraordinary people.

Hang in there, hang in there!